What is your style of leadership, and how do you adjust it to lead an effective team?
Businesses continue to face hurdles from both outside and within, and therefore, it is crucial to have group collaboration and set the foundation for a strong team. As a leader, you define what it means to be effective for your organisation. You empower your team to perform and drive results, but are you tapping into their maximum potential based on their behaviours?
Understanding the behaviour and needs of your team is essential to leading them effectively, and one way to do this is through DISC.
DISC is a profiling tool that can help you understand your personality, behaviours and communication preferences and how you can adapt these to drive the best conversations with your team members.
The key to leading your team effectively is finding their DISC style and adapting yours when engaging with them.
When evaluating your team, ask yourself:
· What type of personality am I engaging with for every team member?
· How do they interact and communicate with the team?
· How can I best deal with these personality types?
DISC personalities can tell a lot about the behaviour of each person:
- Dominance – tends to be fast-paced, but they are more focused on the task than the person.
- Influence – people-focused and fast-paced who get animated quite quickly and excitable in the conversation.
- Steadiness – people-focused, but they tend to move slowly and understand a little more about the situation before making decisions.
- Compliance – focused on the task and are into information and data. They tend to operate at a slower pace and think things through.
By considering these personality types, you can influence your teams and adapt your leadership style to match their needs. Leaders can leverage different traits and behaviours depending on situations and the people they are engaging.
D-type personalities tend to be results-driven, competitive, and strong-willed. The faster they can get the results, the better it is for them. Thus, a more supportive leader can be appropriate when it comes to handling these types of members.
I-type team members like to influence and collaborate, let them ask questions and be heard when talking to them as a leader. Team members of this personality type are people-focused – always remember that you may want to relate and affirm to them as you build a positive and enthusiastic environment.
S-type personalities are also people-focused, but they work at a slower pace. They want to understand the situation thoroughly before making a consensus. As they bring an easy-going personality, you can lead them by promoting a stable environment that helps them thrive and encourage them to produce results faster. You can foster a sense of cooperation and collaboration with your team members by stating your expectations of them.
Lastly, C-types are similar to S-types who love to work more slowly, but they are also grounded in logic and reasoning as they love to know the subject matter before working through it. As a leader, you can be direct and deliberate with them by telling them the details that might help them finish faster. Being detail-oriented and informative is one of the things that could help a C-type member develop their ideas.
By using DISC profiling and adapting your leadership style for each individual, you allow yourself and your team to work more effectively. By becoming more self-aware, you will be able to identify your strengths and challenges, as well as those of your team.
It is easy to assume that there is only one specific DISC personality type for your organisation – but this is not true. Every team member who falls into any of the four DISC personalities can all be effective and collaborative, and that depends on how you, as a leader, can unleash that within them.
Having a team of varied DISC types will help you achieve better outcomes, have more balanced conversations and ensure that gaps are not created through a bias to a particular way of thinking and acting.
To bring out their maximum potential as a team, the best place to start is identifying their unique personalities and evolving your leadership style through that.
What is my DISC type?
To find out more about you and your team’s DISC type click here.
Our team at Ellivate are DISC ADVANCED® accredited, which is the most advanced DISC assessment. Unlike other personality tests, these assessments were designed for the workplace from the ground up.
The assessment measures both the subconscious self and the conscious behavioural styles. It permits evaluation of the impact of the work environment and potential job pressures on the person.
Various reports are available depending on your need, including DISC Profile, DISC for Leadership and DISC for Sales.
About Ellivate
Ellivate is the expert partner helping organisations and their go-to-market team scale.
Our powerhouse team of industry experts – with a combined 60 years of experience across the fintech, corporate and technology spaces – will work alongside your business to achieve your goals.
We have a shared passion for working with businesses to achieve rapid growth and apply an authentic, human layer of expertise that addresses the real challenges and concerns at the heart of your business.
We will work alongside you as a trusted and expert partner. We get in the trenches and ensure every solution is embedded within your business.